The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 28, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow —
Commentary by Larry Schweikart



1)  The Hunter Biteme scandal is moving forward without the media as panic starts to set in amongst elites.

2) While Hunter Biteme admitted in court he made $664,000 from a ChiCom energy company, contradicting Rutabaga’s claims.

3) In tranquil and bucolic Benghazi-by-the-Lake, a 14-year-old committed 12 armed robberies in 45 minutes. Now that’s efficiency.

4) President Trump’s primary lead has grown 10 points in two weeks according to YouGov.

5) A W-appointed judge tossed the Bowe Bergdahl court martial.

-After all, why should duty or honor matter?

6) And more from our fine justice system: An Oklahoma judge Traci Soderstrom was videotaped scrolling on her phone during the murder trial of a two-year-old as his mother was crying on the stand.

7) More e-bike fires lead to a campaign to establish regs on how the batteries are manufactured and maintained.

8) The President of Thomas Jefferson U. Has resigned after “liking” certain tweets critical of China Virus vaxxes and transoid surgeries.

9) A Texas school will fire a teacher arrested in a child prostitution sting.

10) This is rich. A DEI college director was fired for not being the “right kind of black person.”

11) Court docs show that a Down syndrome girl, age 16, was trafficked to Jeffrey (he-didn’t-kill-himself) Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell by a mystery couple who then “handed off” the girl to “special friends,” including billionaire Leon Black.

12) Now, nearly 2/3 of Americans believe the 2020 election involved cheating. And they would be right.

13) An ancient, demented, puddingbrained Washingtonian—no, not Rutabaga—Sen. FinkStink—was ordered to “just say aye” on a key defense vote. This walking mothjacket can’t even understand what she’s voting on . . . and she’s still way ahead of Fetterman Massacre.



14) Ryan Burge shows we are not going to “immigrate” our way to more religiosity: immigrants are much more likely today to be “none” (no religious affiliation) than ever before.

15) Americans (finally) are falling out of love with college—across all political types, generations, and other demographics.

16) Speaking of college, DEI jobs are drying up, but colleges keep pushing “muh diversity.”



17) Thank God! Gender clinics are shutting down due to red-state bans.



18) While dodging the terminology, Jerome Powell said 6% inflation ain’t gone.

19) Pending home sales crash almost 15%, with no growth for 24 of the last 25 months.

20) Anheuser-Busch continues to struggle with the transoid fallout, restructuring, and laying off 350 people.

21) And now Disney Cruise Lines are losing money (over $200m), and their answer? Why, raise prices, of course.

22) The real “Bidenomics”: tax evasion, corruption, bribery, and money laundering.

23) The fine Department of INJustice dropped all charges against Sam Bankman-Fried (SlowBakedFuton), essentially saying that as long as you donate to the DemoKKKrat Party, you’re a-ok.

24) In 2021, only 71% of young males held a full-time job, contrasted with 85% in 1980.

25) And kicking Rutabaga’s ass again, the Supes issued an order allowing work to resume on the West Virginia gas pipeline.



26) Remember yesterday we talked about Niger’s palace being locked down? Yep, it was a coup that has overthrown the president.

27) In Britain, an e-bike battery “exploded like a grenade” and started a home fire, bringing new calls for e-bike regs.

28) Coming to ‘Merica soon, organized shoplifting gangs have turned Britain’s supermarkets into “battlefields.”

29) Antarctica has plunged to Earth’s lowest temperature since 2017 -117 degrees.

-I think you’ll need a hoodie if ya go out.



30) Floyd Mayweather lived across the street from the late One-Pac Shakur (due to his unfortunate accident) and says he witnessed the death: “I’ve never told anyone.”

31) Variety: “Peak TV has Peaked.” Exhausted (and untalented) talent to massive losses, the writers’ strike magnifies an industry in free fall.

32) “Sound of Freedom” continues to hang in, racking up another $3.3 million overnight box office with $130.9 million total and still only showing at 3/4 the theaters of “Barbie.”

-By the way, “Mission Impossible,” which should have been huge, still hasn’t covered its $250 million production budget.

33) Now, “Sound of Freedom has announced international openings in Australia and South Africa.

34) ESPN, which hasn’t lost enough viewers yet, will test a “SportsCenter” with an all-female anchor team and nearly all-female crew and production staff.

-Will there be a single unfilled second?



35) latest China Virus vaxxes may be contaminated, leading to cancer.

36) And more bad news for Moderna as subclinical heart damage is more prevalent than thought.

37) European Journal of Heart Failure says that one person in 35 who showed signs of heart damage had taken the Moderna vax. This isn’t even counting the other vaxxes.


38) And finally, espresso coffee helps prevent Alzheimer’s. I always love these coffee stories cuz a) I like coffee and b), well, you know . . . Buy Larry a Coffee!!!



  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Filmmaker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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