NGOs Aid in Mass Migration According to Geolocation Data

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/20/2023

The Heritage Foundation looked at NGOs and their role in the unprecedented mass migration of illegals into the interior U.S. By tracking the devices allegedly owned by illegal aliens, NGOs helped these migrants move to every congressional district in the U.S. except for one. The four-phase preliminary investigation conducted in January 2022 was released in a memo in December and is merely a "sampling of the problem."

According to the Dec. 5 memo, the Heritage Oversight Project and Heritage Border Security and Immigration Center "obtained and analyzed movement patterns of anonymized mobile devices that were detected on the premises of over 30 NGO facilities at or near the border."

Using public records and "reliable human source information," Heritage found about 30,000 cell phone devices in the identified NGO facilities, tracing them during January 2022. The investigation minimized false positives by confining their tracking to the buildings and parking areas of the facilities. Heritage then traced the migration patterns of the devices to the interior areas of the U.S.

Phase One: Val Verde Border Humanitarian Center

In Phase One, geofencing was used to locate devices operating in the Val Verde Border Humanitarian Center and the Del Rio Customs and Border Protection Station. According to the website, the Center coordinates with local volunteers to help illegal aliens "safely transition" after being released from federal custody.

The Del Rio Border Patrol Station's "area of responsibility includes approximately 30 miles of river border and portions of several counties."  Del Rio sits directly across from Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico, a city of approximately 120,000. During January, 407 devices were "on-premises at either facility." Those devices later migrated to 40 different states, according to the memo.

Phase One Heritage/Del Rio Sector

Phase Two: 20 NGO Facilities Geofenced

The Heritage investigation traced "more than 22,000 unique mobile devices" in Phase Two. The NGOs in this phase were located in Texas, Southern California, and Arizona. Devices migrating from those facilities were "traced to 431 separate U.S. congressional districts" out of 435. 71% of the devices went to Republican congressional districts, which is not surprising since Texas is a border state and Oklahoma, also a conservative state, is its neighbor.

Phase Two/Heritage Geolocation

Phase Three: 13 NGO Facilities Tracked

The phase three facilities geofenced were located along the southern border or close to it. 5,000 devices were located and traced to 434 of the 435 congressional districts seen in the map below.

Phase Three/Heritage Geofencing Migration

Phase Four: Geofenced Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley

Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, located in San Juan, TX, was geofenced in Phase Four. According to the memo, "nearly 3,400 unique mobile devices were identified as being on premises" and "were later tracked to 433 congressional districts."

Phase Four/Heritage/Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is one of the most prominent organizations with programs that assist refugees and illegal aliens. Their mission is allegedly to alleviate the scourge of human trafficking. According to its website, the organization received $19.3 million of "in-kind" support and assisted "over 393,000" people in the past year. However, it seems that the organization may not be as careful as you might expect regarding recordkeeping and vetting its contractors.

Back in 2015, the OIG put out a scathing report showing the charity allegedly failed the audit on all counts, as reported by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

Phase Four: Catholic Charities/CIS

Biden Administration: Illegals Flood U.S.

Heritage visually aggregated unlawful entry nationwide encounters recorded by the U.S. Border Patrol and the Office of Field Operations. The charts track encounters between 2020 through Apr. 14, 2023. The numbers are staggering and rising. Monthly averages are up 258%, according to official data from the two border control agencies.

Heritage Data Viz/Nationwide Encounters/Graphic produced by John W. Fleming and Jay Simon. Data compiled by Hannah Davis.

Title 42 was lifted on May 11, and the Biden administration wants you to believe it has strict measures in place to stem the flow. However, a close look at Biden's border policies tells an entirely different story. The oft-repeated mantra of the current administration is to make humane "legal immigration" the center of everything this administration does. It is the least cynical way to think about their mindset. However, the result of that mindset has been nothing short of catastrophic, and, as the Heritage memo shows, the catastrophe is migrating to a town near you. Here is Mayorkas trying to gaslight Americans into believing he is fixing the problem at the border. It is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

The Biden administration has put in place several arguably manipulative programs that abuse humanitarian parole and superficially alter the appearance of what is actually happening. The Biden administration's expansive humanitarian parole program is pretty much an immigration giveaway program. Few of the applicants are properly interviewed, thus, "pre-legalizing 99% of the aliens who apply," according to Bensman.

This administration has identified large swaths of migrants as eligible for parole and has programs in place to hide the "optics" of their arrival. The administration moves migrants in what are called "Ant Operations," a controlled flow to break up the massive groups into digestible optics. Aliens are also using the CBP One app to process their documents and schedule inspection appointments before they cross. The app gives direct access to asylum seekers but helps control who comes across and when. It is a shell game to beat all shell games.

It is only because of the work of organizations like CIS and reporters like Michael Yon that Americans even know these aliens are piling across the border. Video footage from Todd Bensman, a Senior Fellow with CIS, found its way to Gov. Abbott's desk last week. Bensman's footage of migrants "just pouring in" allegedly set Gov. Abbott on fire. He sent tactical units staffed with Texas Department of Safety troopers and Texas National Guard soldiers to parts of the border to "hold the line."

Buses and flights carrying thousands of aliens are running day and night, aided by NGO networks all over the U.S. It is a betrayal of homegrown Americans and aliens who applied legally. Biden administration policies prohibit the detention of unaccompanied minors, and according to Bensman, the administration is also considering adding family units to the exemption. Detention facilities are at "150% capacity."

The migrants coming to America have a network of NGOs to help cultivate agile responses to Biden border policies, largely constructed to hide the number of aliens crossing. And the Red Cross even passes out maps, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.

The "asylum seekers" quickly figure out ways to "become families" or to find alternate ways to evade or exploit the rules. All of this adds up to one heck of a deal for the cartels, who are equally adaptable and always looking for ways to traffic deadly drugs and human beings into the interior U.S.

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