Dark to Light: Retired FBI Special Agent Mark Crider

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

In the first half of the show, Frank and Beanz bring you the story of Retired FBI Special Agent Mark Crider, who was retaliated against after he chose not to lie under oath in front of a court in a trial unrelated to him, and the second half is information on the FAA shutdown. Were they hacked? Then we move on to the strange and talk about a video from Libs of TikTok showing a mom mad that her daughter is being "misgendered" at a new school, and a terrible story of child abuse shakes our conscience. There will be no show Friday, so make sure to join us back here on Monday with bells on!

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Links We Discussed:

Crazy-eyed mom: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/this-one-has-the-crazy-eyes/

The terrible story of child sexual abuse:

Was the FAA held hostage in a secret ransomware attack?


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