Dark to Light: The Just-Us System

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Today's show can't help but be filled with passion because we discuss the latest in indictments to hit conservatives by a weaponized "Just-Us" system. We also do a bit on your rights in a police stop and more. For all of the links discussed and the ones you want to have handy, please check the show notes below. Most importantly, pray. We will be back on Friday.

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The Pharmacist at Kroger won't fill an RX because she doesn't want to:

Michelle and Beanz for The Highwire

Haba on Trump:

The incredible Beanz short thread showing the nonsense:

They weren't lies:

Pipe burst


The Clerk

GA hearing starts at 12:56:

Know your rights:






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