Dark To Light: The Coup That Never Was

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

We have ANOTHER busy one today! We talk about the Patriot Front confrontation to start and then move into the vaccine conversation. We touch upon the Coup The Never Was for as much time as it deserves, and then we move on to the press acting like the press, how many people are calling for impeachments, and we show you what it looks like when the talking points have gone out en masse to delegitimize a President from re-election. Make sure to check the notes on this one for the links you need to finish your day!

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Patriot Front:

RFK on Scarborough in 2005:

AJ Kay shares an intimate and heartfelt thread:

Pentagon is losing on censorship funding

Weaponized institutions:

They aren't used to questions:



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