The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow May 30, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow —
Commentary by Larry Schweikart



1) The lying Rutabaga finally admitted his son Beau didn’t die in Iraq but from cancer—just 11 days after saying the boy died in combat.

2) President Trump is crushing Ron DeSantis in Iowa by 42 points, according to an Emerson College poll.

-Also beats Rutabaga there.

3) And after trailing, President Trump has surged to a double-digit lead in Kollyfornia over RDS.

4) More Arizona election corruption as a Maricopa County ballot report shows thousands of ballots in 2020 didn’t have proof of citizenship. Heck, I think I’d settle for just proof of life.

5) Pennsylvania women still support Trump, citing party and the economy over alleged sexual misconduct.

6) Female athletes are retiring rather than compete against transoids.

7) A report found that 2,000 children were sexually abused by Illinois Catholic Clergy.

-Oh, but these pedos don’t get a break like the groomers? I’m confused.

8) And, as I have argued, a former activist warns that the transoid movement is the tip of the transhumanist iceberg.

9) One day after impeaching Attorney General Ken Paxton, the Texas House speaker Phelan sided with the DemoKKKrats and killed major border security legislation on a point of order.

10) An ex-con has revealed how different types of criminals are treated in prison: school shooters are tortured beyond means, while pedos are beaten to death. Even murderers and thieves have a bottom line.

11) Wait, Eric the Red, mayor of New Kabul, said what? He railed against the “hot rays of socialism and communism” in a Memorial Day speech. He quoted Jefferson. And no, not George Jefferson from “The Jeffersons.”



12) The amazing China Virus wealth theft as the top 1% fared far better than the bottom 50% with fed China Virus money.

13) It’s getting worse for Tar-gay, as its veep of brand management is the treasurer for a transoid group that pushes schools to let kids change their sex.

-Which, of course, they really can’t do.

14) Nine U.S. cities where homeowners are getting skinned on crashing values.

-To no one's surprise, Groomer City is #1.

15) While New York and Kollyfornia lost a combined $92 billion in income as rich Americans fled to low-tax states.



16) Amazon will shut down its China app store in a further retreat from the country.

17) Japan has put its missile defenses on alert as the NORKs warn of a satellite launch.

18) Will Africa save us? Uganda passes one of the world’s toughest anti-homosexual laws, including the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality.”

19) Baby boomtown: Nagi, Japan, is turning in nearly double the fertility rate as the rest of the country.

-What’s in the water?

20) The “Archaeologist” warns that Africa is finally splitting into two continents.

-I dunno; looks sorta like pork chops.

21) NATO troops have been called to northern towns in Kosovo.

22) The ChiComs plan to land astronauts (“comradnoughts?”) on the moon before 2030 and expand the space station.

-And I plan to win the Pulitzer.

23) A review of world headlines suggests people are finally realizing the Ukes have lost.

24) England’s birth dearth continues as more than 90 primary schools will shut down because they are . . . empty.

25) After a populist revolt in Spain threatened to reshuffle parliament, Spain’s globalist clutterbucket PM Sanchez dissolved Parliament.



26) Samantha Weinstein, actress in “Alias Grace” and the “Carrie” remake, died of ovarian cancer at the age of 28.

27) While “YellowFlash” reports that “Little Mermaid” is not doing well at all internationally, the New York Slimes slams the movie for a . . . wait for it . . . lack of kink.

28) Meanwhile, Disney’s next failure-in-waiting, “Elementals” from usually reliable Pixar, looks like it will have only a $50 million opening.

29) Benedict Cumberbatch’s home was invaded by a knife-wielding loon.

-Am I missing something? Couldn’t he just send him into the multiverse?



30) China Virus vaxxes “likely” caused a massive outbreak of MS.



31) Researchers have found a potential new treatment for those who act out their dreams while sleeping.

-Who said I wanted a cure for this? I think I climbed Everest, opened for Ed Sheeran, and dunked on LeBrewski James. Heck, my dreams are the best part of my life.



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  • Larry Schweikart
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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE


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