The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow April 4, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DemoKKKrat National Committee are paying FEC fines in an effort to bury the Cankles collusion story.

2) Looks like it was more than 10% for the big guy: new Hunter Biteme text shows the Rutabaga made him give up half his salary for over 30 years.

3) The Demented Rutabaga called Michelle (Michael) Obama "vice president," then looks lost during a commissioning ceremony. Or did he call the Senior Skank, Dr. Jilly, Zero's veep? Who knows with this kind of word salad.

4) The Mouse was not smart to pick a fight with a state who has given Disney unprecedented governing status and tax breaks. Ron DeSantis suggests Florida may end Disney's special self-governing status that it has used to hide deaths and crimes over the years (by moving them "off Disney").

5) While the Disney heiress, Abigail Disney, says the company has the power to crush "that little punk" Christopher Rufo.

-That's right toots: take on Florida and Rufo, who almost single-handedly broke Communist Racist Theory in America... These people aren't very bright.

6) An election watchdog has found 137,500 ballots unlawfully trafficked in Wisconsin. (Reminder: Arizona's audit found 17,000 duplicate ballots and 57,000 problem ballots that were lacking proper signatures or other legal requirements.)

7) The U.S. Army is being cut to its smallest size in decades.

-Probably not all that bad, given the wokeness of the military.

8) Teachers were secretly giving pre-teen students puberty blockers.

-This is bring-out-the-gallows stuff, folks.

9) Moronic New Kabul (NYC) health official has called white mothers "birthing people."

10) A new highly effective head and neck cancer treatment has been discovered by Israeli researchers.

11) A court has ruled Kollyfornia's corporate diversity law is unconstitutional.

12) A celebrity chef, David Ruggerio, has admitted to a secret life in the Mob where he participated in murders and torture.

13) Related to an earlier story, Oberlin College must not only pay $25 million in damages to Gibson's Bakery but must also cover over $6 million in legal fees.

-A stunning and excellent jury decision upheld by Ohio's Ninth Circuit.

14) The film office chief in Benghazi-by-the-Lake (Chicago) was taken to intensive care after a gang administered redistributive justice.

-Beetlejuice said the incident reflected the fact that carjackers feel unloved.



15)  The U.S. dollar has dropped to its lowest share as a reserve currency in the last 26 years.

16) Is the next supply shock an oversupply of electric vehicles no one wants?

17) Since 2020, the rich got a lot richer thanks to Biteme and the Fed.

18) As I always said, you don't have an inflationary problem until you see commodities prices' rise. Well, here it is.

19) Biteme has used the Defense Production Act, which ticks off the environmental weenies, to emergency-produce crucial metals.

-President Trump will be the recipient of this by the time it gets on line.

20) Do you think the elites have noticed yet? The Russian ruble has been relaunched attached to gold and commodities.

-All you pining for the gold standard, well, . . . it's in Russia.

23) Palm Springs in Kollyfornia has approved a plan to give transoids a guaranteed income, further cementing the fact that they aren't normal.



24) Lynryd Skynyrd has released a campaign song for Ron DeSantis.

25) A Seattle (New Beirut) museum has hosted a week-long summer camp for kids as young as 12 that teaches the "art of drag" and how to do makeup.

26) Fitting in today's woke world: a comedian who has been canceled, Louis C. K., won the Grammy for best comedy album.



27) File under, "Well at least the Ukraine invasion had one good feature: Germany's greens are put in a tight spot.

-Why? I mean, don't they have solar-powered tanks and wind-powered jets?

28) Iran has started to see the results of Trump's Abraham Accords as five nations—Israel, Morocco, Egypt, UAE, and Bahrain—met at the Negev Summit.

29) What is the "Great Reset" and what do globalists actually want? The reset has taken a big hit in the war on Russia.

30) The Pentagon, the same guys who claimed there were biological weapons in Iraq, says there are no biological weapons in Ukraine.

31) The pro-nationalist/anti-globalist candidate Viktor Orban has won reelection as Hungary's president.



32) File under, "But it ain't the vax!" Fifteen fully vaxxed tennis players have had to withdraw from the Miami Open due to medical maladies that they won't call vax related.

33) According to the CDC, one in five high schoolers considered suicide during the plandemic and half said they suffered emotional abuse.

-This is on you, Dr. Fallacy and the CDC.

34) Evil Deep Stater vaxiopaths continue to push, even when legislatures say no as in the case of Germany.

35) Sweden lifted all China Virus travel restrictions on April Fool's Day.

36) While Denmark also lifted the last of its China Virus entry restrictions.

37) As has Germany.

38) Meanwhile a Swedish study said any vaxport should recognize natural immunity.

39) Kansas passed a bill that would require pharmacists to fill off-label prescriptions of ivermectin and HCQ.[/embed]

-How many would be alive today if this were permitted nationally two years ago?

40) Excess deaths spiked worldwide after the rollout of the China Virus vax.

41) Finally, a study showed that humans infected with a "mind-altering" parasite seen as more attractive.

-Good news for most, but it won't help this fellah.


And that's Today's News

Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr at @OtherWalls and SOON on TruthSocial!

Larry Schweikart's New Book, Dragonslayers, can be found on Amazon. You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE


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