Dark To Light: The Incident At The Spa NSFW

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

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It’s an interesting show today with some sensitive topics. In the first half of today’s podcast, we explore the incident at Wi Spa in Los Angeles. Frank and Beanz break down the facets of the incident and talk about the counter-protest.

Also, don’t miss the new article up at UncoverDC covering BlackRock and associated issues, Covid, Cyber-attacks, and the like, and we will move on to what looks like a pretty fiery incident to go down overseas in response to mandatory vaccination of kids.


New article at UncoverDC.com on BlackRock, Covid, and more

ScientificAmerican.com: How dangerous is the Delta Variant and will it cause a COVID surge in the US?

NYPost.com: Violence in LA erupts after viral video of complaint about trans woman disrobing in spa

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