NYC Mayor DeBlasio Refuses to Call In National Guard

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

While 28 states and Washington, D.C have called in and activated the National Guard to help quell the violence and destruction brought on by the riots plaguing our communities across the country, NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio refuses to call up troops. DeBlasio said during a press conference yesterday: “No, we do not need nor do we think it’s wise for the National Guard to be in New York City. When outside armed forces go into communities no good comes of it”

He also added, “A member of the guard called up from any part of this state doesn’t have that particular training, doesn’t know our environment, but is carrying a loaded weapon”  “That is a dangerous scenario”.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pushed back on DeBlasio in a press conference, also yesterday, saying “The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night,” He added: “Look at the videos. It was a disgrace. They have protected people before in this situation, I’ve seen them do it before…I believe in the inherent capacity of the NYPD if managed and if deployed. That’s what I think hasn’t worked and what I think has to be fixed today.”

President Trump took to Twitter last night weighing in on the situation: “When will Governor Cuomo call the Federal Government for help?” and in a separate tweet stated, “NYC is totally out of control @NYCMayor & @NYGovCuomo MUST PUT DOWN RIOTING NOW!”

Even with the refusal of Federal assistance, the city did see a decrease in arrests from Monday’s almost 700 arrests down to 280 arrests last night. At one point during the night, the police department blocked off key areas to keep the crowds on certain streets. Protestors were temporarily blocked in by the NYPD on the Manhattan bridge for over an hour until redirected back towards Brooklyn to limit access to Manhattan.

Photo by: Joey Cosco

Photo by: Joey Cosco

Nationwide, as of June 3, 2020, there have been 9,300 arrests, 40 cities have enacted curfews, and 17,000 National Guard troops have been activated. 12 deaths have been reported due to the protests as of June 2, 2020.

Also, approximately 17 police officers nationwide have been injured including one retired officer in St. Louis, Police Captain David Dorn, who was shot in the head and lost his life due to violence among the protests.

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