Dark To Light: Mueller Analysis A Day After

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

We come to you on a special Thursday Edition of the podcast because we wanted to take 24 hours to let the Mueller hearing marinate before we broke it down for you like only Dark to Light can!

Today, Frank and Tracy Beanz hit on all of the big takeaways, plus some that you may have missed, as we listen to clips and analyze what happened yesterday when Robert Mueller sat down to testify in front of the committees. Links to the clips played can be found below!

This is one you don’t want to miss!



MSNBC reaction to the Mueller Hearing

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania questioning Robert Mueller

Rep. John Ratliffe of Texas questioning Robert Mueller. Clip 1 Clip 2

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio with Robert Mueller

Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas with his take on the Mueller Hearing


Follow Tracy Beanz on Twitter, subscribe to her YouTube channel, and check out her newest venture, UncoverDC.com!
Follow Frank on Twitter, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow his solo podcast, Quite Frankly!

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